as a tripping hazard. Exact effects can be established if they matter; you might be unconscious, screaming in pain holding your guts in, or whatever.
If you take any more damage, see rules for replacement PCs.
After combat, roll 1d6 and subtract your current negative hp. So if you are at exactly 0 HP, roll 1d6. If you are at -4 HP, roll 1d6-4. This is the number of turns it will take you to die without help.
If you are still alive, you can be bandaged or otherwise aided. This does not restore any HP, and you remain completely disabled, but you will not die so long as you do not take more damage and are given more comprehensive medical care soon. (For each day you remain this way, make a CON check, with penalties as decided by the DM.)
If you recover from this state, roll 1d20 on the table below:
Cripples & Crutches Wound Table
1: Lingering death. Sucks to be you. You will die in 3d4 weeks. But maybe it can be remedied if your friends go find The Hermit in the Swamp...
If you somehow recover, roll twice more, ignoring any result of a 1 or 2.
2: Permanently bedridden or otherwise disabled. If this is somehow remedied, roll twice more on this chart and ignore a 1 or 2.
3: Your close brush with death leaves you horribly scarred. Feel free to make up something truly gruesome at the DM's discretion. Permanent -2d4 CHA
4: Slightly less horrible scarring. Maybe it's all mental this time? -1d4 CHA
5: Permanent injury to a limb. Roll 1d4:
- Left Leg
- Right Leg
- Left Arm
- Right Arm
If you roll a result that this character is already suffering from, instead treat it as #8 below.
6: Loss of (roll 1d4):
- 1d3 fingers. -1 to hit; -2d6 to all Thief skills that involve manual dexterity; other situational penalties at DM discretion. If you lose more than 5 fingers, treat as losing a hand (see below).
- 1d3 toes. Situational penalties to do with balance or sneaking at DM discretion. If you lose more than 5 toes, treat as losing a foot (see below).
- Left eye. -1 CHA, -2 to hit with missile weapons. On the plus side, you can get an eyepatch without being a poser.
- Right eye. As left eye, but the other side.
7: Lose an extremity. Roll 1d4:
- Left foot. Half base move.
- Right foot. Half base move. Lose both and you can only crawl (effective 0' move).
- Left hand. Can only use 1-handed weapons or other 1-handed objects.
- Right hand. As left hand, above.
A hook hand is an inadequate replacement for the real thing, but it does act as a dagger and gives you +1 to reaction rolls with pirates and other ne'er-do-wells. More exotic attachments can be obtained at the DM's discretion.
8: Lose a limb. Roll 1d4:
- Left leg. Cannot stand and you can only crawl (effective 0' move).
- Right leg. Same as above.
- Left arm. Cannot use two hands or a shield; furthermore, things like backpacks, armor, and the like require modifications that cost 10% extra or they will cause various annoyances. Further, if using JDIMS, you can carry one fewer Large Item.
- Right arm. Same as left arm.
9: A wound that just won't heal. -1d4 CON (refigure HP). Subtract 1 from save vs poison, disease, and other things that would be harder to resist with an open wound.
10: A wound that just won't heal. -2d4 CON (refigure HP) Subtract 2 from save vs poison, disease, and other things that would be harder to resist with an open wound. Further, before each session roll 1d6: on a 1, the wound is acting up: you're horrible pain that makes you (additional) -4 to everything if you can be bothered to get out of bed.
11: Horrible scarring. But it looks awesome! +1 CHA
12: Got off scot free, you lucky dog! No long term effects.
After writing that up and letting it sit for a bit, that's a cool looking table, but it's big and long and complicated and sometimes I don't want something big and long and complicated. So I give you:
The Super-Abbreviated Injuries Table
Roll 1d8:1: Nope, you died. Whoops!
2: Lose 1d4 STR.
3: Lose 1d4 DEX.
4: Lose 1d4 CON.
5: Lose 1d4 INT.
6: Lose 1d6 WIS.
7: Lose 1d6 CHA.
8: You got lucky. Make a full recovery.
Whichever table you use, remember to re-calculate bonuses/penalties based on any ability score changes (e.g. Prime Requisite Bonuses). Also, if any ability score goes to 0 or below, the character dies.
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